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Information on "Baufachliche Richtlinien Waste Water Guidelines"

Guidelines for planning, construction and operation of waste water facilities in Federal Real Estate

Within the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) and the Federal Real Estate Agency (BImA) they serve as engineering regulations in the field of waste water. Federal Land water authorities have to observe the regulations of the Baufachliche Richtlinien Waste Water Guidelines (BFR Waste Water Guidelines).

Baufachliche Richtlinien Waste Water Guidelines

Based on current technical standards and regulations quality management is defined in the BFR Waste Water Guidelines to enable sustainable and especially economical planning, construction and operation of waste water facilities in the Federal Real Estate. By defining a unique planning procedure the BFR Waste Water Guidelines serves mainly to ensure compliance with the principles of economy and thriftiness set out in Art. 7 BHO (Federal Budget Regulations) while taking into account the constraints of the water authorities. At the same time, the BFR Waste Water Guidelines describe management procedures, provide templates and example documents and are the functional basis for data handling tools.

The BFR Waste Water Guidelines are issued via the internet (only in German Language):


The BFR Waste Water Guidelines are amended continuously.

Previous versions of the BFR Waste Water Guidelines and a history of corresponding amendments may be downloaded as PDF-files under the rubrics Historieand Änderungsverfolgung.

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